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Diana Luna

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The Italian golfer is the first female athlete ever to attract copy Richard Mille‘s keen eye. She is one of the world’s top female golfers and has always been in the world’s most prestigious style and professional competitions. But this is not only about winning. A true Roman, the most important thing in Diana’s life is her family. Therefore, it is natural that she should join Richard Mille’s family.

‘Before, I never wore a watch when I played. Now, I take RM 07-01 all the way every day. ’

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For many years, Diana has been ranked first in Italy and has been among the top ten women’s golf in Europe-especially thanks to the five championships of the women’s European Tour. In the 2011 German Women’s Open, she became the first female player in history to score 72 holes without losing the ball. This feat was accomplished by only three men.

Becoming a loyal supporter of the “beautiful game” naturally became a professional golfer. She remembers hitting her first ball at the age of 12. At the age of 19, she was completely focused on playing through the professional circuit. Diana Luna’s innocent expression still surprised her: “I’m lucky, am I?”

Her games and achievements are largely European, and there is a reason: Diana has always made family life a top priority, rather than chasing the huge “bonus” she will undoubtedly get across the Atlantic. A choice worthy of respect. fake watches of women

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